Welcome To Devils At Cradle

Our Conservation Work

How We Help

The sanctuary houses approximately 80 – 100 animals across the 3 species within industry recognised programs; the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program (STDP) and the Tasmanian Quoll Conservation Program (TQCP). These insurance populations are supported by the Tasmanian government, the Zoo and Aquariums Association and various zoo and sanctuaries nationally and are crucial to the long term conservation of the species.

The welfare of our animals is number one. We have a small but well trained, dedicated and experienced team of keepers who ensure best practice husbandry for our animals on a daily basis, maintaining the highest standard of care.

Our records are maintained within a global recording keeping platform and the breeding of our animals is managed by following strict studbook recommendations and DNA/genetic analysis, ensuring not just a healthy, but a genetically robust population. 

In addition to educating the many visitors to the sanctuary, we conduct a number of in-situ conservation initiatives within the Cradle Mountain area combining resources with the State and local Government, U-TAS, Parks and Wildlife Service, local operators and the community – we aim to make a significant contribution to the conservation of these species.

save tassie devil

Save the Tasmanian Devil Program

Our sanctuary is a key breeding facility for the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program (STDP) insurance population, and one of the largest privately-run facilities in Tasmania. We house approx. 40 devils on site and are involved in various elements of the program including breeding, national and international exports, releases and re-introductions. 

The Save the Tasmanian Devil Program was established in response to Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD), a contagious cancer that has decreased wild populations by between 85-90% throughout Tasmania. Breeding recommendations are issued each year by the program which currently manages approx. 700 animals across various captive facilities nation-wide. 

To find out more information about DFTD and the Save the Devil Program please visit the official website at www.tassiedevil.com.au

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Tasmanian Quoll Conservation Program

Devils@Cradle is one of the founding members of the Tasmanian Quoll Conservation Program (TQCP) and has managed the program’s coordination and the population’s studbook management since inception in 2010.  

The TQCP’s primary objectives are to maintain a genetically robust captive insurance population of both the Spotted-tail and Eastern quoll. These populations will assist in the prevention of extinction of these species by preserving a captive breeding population representative of all bio-regions throughout Tasmania and by providing a source population for reintroduction and re-establishment of the species as required.

The program is supported by the Tasmanian Government, private stakeholders and independent scientists and the current insurance population consists of approximately 200 individuals across a number of facilities nationally. As a key facility for both species we house approximately 10 Spotted-tail and roughly 40 Eastern Quoll at the sanctuary.

The sanctuary is involved in various elements of the program including breeding, national and international exports, release and re-introduction, field monitoring of wild populations and orphan rehabilitation.

Field Monitoring Program

The Field Monitoring Program has been operating since 2006 and aims to collect data on population dynamics of these three marsupial carnivores, and the prevalence of DFTD within the wilderness of Cradle Mountain. This is achieved through the use of remote infra-red cameras, road kill surveys, spotlight surveys and liaising with the local community and visitors to the sanctuary.

We have used unobtrusive IR camera monitoring techniques to survey populations of devils and quolls within the Cradle Mountain area for more than 10 years, this has provided invaluable insight into the local wild populations. The ongoing work has been made possible through working closely with various organisations namely DPIPWE, Cradle Coast NRM, Save the Tasmanian Devil Program, University of Tasmania, Parks and Wildlife service, Tasmanian Land Conservancy and local operators and landowners.

The associated field work includes; locating and checking of IR cameras and the retrieving and collating of data. We also monitor and where we can,  treat Sarcoptic mange – a debilitating disease that often leads to death in wombats in the wild. 

Our field staff are often assisted through volunteers and students to the sanctuary and over many years we have been able to collect valuable data that contribute to conservation efforts for these species.

Orphan Rehabilitation Program

Devils@Cradle staff may receive a patient or two around spring time every year, and orphan rehabilitation is a role we cherish – there is nothing quite like being a mother to a little joey and seeing them develop to maturity either within captivity or reintroduced back into the wild. With the risk of DFTD orphaned devils are managed under a specific set of protocols.

The facility is licensed under the government wildlife carer program and staff are trained and experienced in the hand-rearing of devils and quolls, as well as a number of other native species. Being on the doorstep of Cradle Mountain National Park, which is home to a diverse range of native wildlife, it is an important part of the job and is integral to conservation efforts for our endangered species – for some, one animal’s life can contribute significantly to the overall population. The program also works to assist in the treatment and rehabilitation of injured wildlife so that they can be safely returned to the wild.

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Tasmanian Quoll Conservation Logo
Tasmanian Gov Logo
ZAA Accredited Primary CMYK
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You Can Help Assist Our Conservation

Every donation, adoption or sponsorship helps us effectively run our range of conservation programs which protect and support these unique animals.

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