
Tasmanian Devil

Date of Birth: March 2023

Sex: Male
Origin: Captive bred (Devils@Cradle)
Mother: Aroha
Father: Kit
Offspring: 0


Zeus, Son of Kit, is the sookiest sook who ever sooked (Translated: “sook” = “softie”/ “crybaby”). He was hand-raised with his brother Odin, and their human mum describes them as “cuddle-monsters”, with Zues being the biggest offender. He is always up for a snuggle and gets a little jealous when his brother is getting the attention. Zeus is growing up fast but will probably be featured on the Joey Encounter for a while yet – we’re not seeing any signs of him growing out of cuddles yet.

What you will receive:

  • Personalised adoption certificate
  • Photo of your adopted animal
  • Species fact card
  • Devils at Cradle sanctuary information
  • E-newsletters
  • Animal and sanctuary updates posted on Facebook


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