
Spotted Tail Quoll

Date of Birth: 2021

Sex: Male
Origin: Wild Born
Mother: Wild (Merseylea)
Father: Wild
Offspring: 0


Waratah arrived at Devils@Cradle in 2021 in the pouch of his mum, a wild female. Wild quolls coming into the TQCP are commonly known as ‘wild founders’ meaning they are not genetically related to any of the captive bred quolls currently in the program.
Therefore, his genetics are incredibly important to the breeding program for future years.

Waratah was hand-raised as part of our Ambassador Program and as a result has grown into a confident lad and is a regular feature on a lot of our tours. Considering his species are known to be excellent acrobats, keepers have described Waratah as being one of the most uncoordinated quolls they’ve ever know – he was even afraid of heights as a young joey.

In 2022, Waratah sustained an injury to one of his back legs. Thankfully he recovered well, but it meant he had to sit out the 2023 breeding year. If all goes well, he will finally be getting his chance in 2024.


What you will receive:

  • Personalised adoption certificate
  • Photo of your adopted animal
  • Species fact card
  • Devils at Cradle sanctuary information
  • E-newsletters
  • Animal and sanctuary updates posted on Facebook


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