
Tasmanian Devil

Date of Birth: 2020

Sex: Male
Origin: Captive bred (Devils@Cradle)
Mother: Nala
Father: Jasper
Offspring: 0


T-Rex really only kinda lives up to his name. While he is a big boy, he is anything but the ferocious beast his name-sake and photo might suggest. He is really a big softie at heart and while he has yet to successfully sire any young, he has proven to be very gentle with the ladies (for a devil at least). At four years old, he will more than likely have his last chance this breeding season. Regardless of the result, he will always be a winner to us.

What you will receive:

  • Personalised adoption certificate
  • Photo of your adopted animal
  • Species fact card
  • Devils at Cradle sanctuary information
  • E-newsletters
  • Animal and sanctuary updates posted on Facebook


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