
Tasmanian Devil

Date of Birth: 2022

Sex: Female
Origin: Captive bred (Devils@Cradle)
Mother: Talisa
Father: Rowdy
Offspring: 1


Squizz has been one of our hand-reared animals in 2022, becoming a very important part of the Ambassador Program for Tasmanian devils. She was a big part of our Joey Encounter that year, helping keepers teach guests the softer side of Tasmanian devils. She is very much an adult now but has retained her friendly and cheeky nature, following her keepers around her enclosure and occasionally giving them cheeky nips on their boots.

At two years old, Squizz has just finished her first breeding season. She gave birth to a single male joey who has also been chosen as an ambassador and is now being hand-raised by keepers.

After a breif stint of R&R, Squizz is now settled back with the rest of her friend in one of our main display enclosures, and is back entertaining people on our tours!

Squizz has been sponsored by Cradle Mountain Helicopters and named after one of their aircraft!

What you will receive:

  • Personalised adoption certificate
  • Photo of your adopted animal
  • Species fact card
  • Devils at Cradle sanctuary information
  • E-newsletters
  • Animal and sanctuary updates posted on Facebook


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