Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 2021
Origin: Captive bred (Devils@Cradle)
Mother: Plasson
Father: Diablo
Offspring: 0
Jem has been hand-reared and chosen as an ambassador for her species, helping keepers educate our guests on the plight of Tasmanian devils. While her surrogate mum Renee thinks she can do no wrong, Jem very much lives up to the name “devil”. She is extremely confident, following keepers around the enclosures, often trying to give them cheeky nips on their boots when she thinks they’re not looking. She was also a bit of a nuisance during last year’s breeding season, continually getting in the boys’ way as they tried to engage with the girls. Her outgoing personality has also hindered her own breeding success, as a lot of our boys find her too much to handle. Regardless Jem has not been written off yet and may still breed this year.
he has been sponsored by The Sparks Family who have said:
“The Sparks family is proud to support the excellent work being done by Devils@Cradle in protecting native animals and preventing any further species from disappearing. We are sponsoring a devil in the name of someone we loved, who went missing, Jem”
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